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//Sunday, June 21, 2009 6/21/2009
Mad about puff
This is the 3rd attempt baking cream puff, I had two recipes for reference, Let's get wokking and the other I can't remember where I got it from. Anyway this is my version of the cream puff recipe:
PREPARATION:Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Beat eggs in a bowl. Put butter, sugar, and water in a pan and bring to a boil. Add flour in the butter mixture and stir quickly. Stop the heat and cool it a little, add eggs slowly in the mixture and mix well with electric beater until glossy. Put the dough in a plastic bag (I used ziplock bag) to squeeze out as small mounds. The size of my cream puffs are rougly 6cm, I was able to make 12 mounds. But you can go bigger like the ones beard papa made. Bake them in at 230 degrees until the tips were golden brown (about 10 minutes) then lowered the heat to 180 until the rest of the puffs became a light golden (about 10 minutes). Open the lid of the oven slightly and bake for another 10 minutes. (If you bake it without opening the lid, you'll have chao da puffs instead) Cool the puffs and cut them in halves horizontally. Make custard cream as follows. Mix egg yolks and sugar in a pan. Add sifted flour in the pan and mix well. Add warm milk in the pan gradually. Place the pan on low heat and stir the mixture constantly until thickened. Stop the heat and add melted butter and stir well. Refrigerate the custard cream. Fill the bottom halves of puffs with custard cream and place the top halves. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. I prefer the cream they used in beard papa's, those are oh-so-yummy! Gotta search for their recipe! Sadly, I ran out of milk (only managed to fill 4/5 of the cup), thus my cream was a little too sweet and thick. The left one is batch 1, it's quite moist n too soft, don't like it. Setting the heat to 120 degrees was a big big mistake, all the puffs deflated! On the right we have mini beard papa! Yay was quite a success for the second batch, but it only consist of 3 mounds! Ran out of dough.. zzz. It's crunchy and fluffy at the same time, but a little burnt on the top. |